Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur, Summer Update

As a new Age Concern organisation, we have had very few calls; Local Healthcare, Bus Passes, Bank Charges, Respite Care, and translators for a hospital visit were the “normal” requests for information. We are working hard on training our existing volunteers and getting more volunteers.

We held a very successful fund raising Rock & Roll event in a local community association venta; 154 people attended and were given a chicken and chips supper included in the 9€ price.

For people over 50 who require help or advice, Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur operate a “Lifeline” telephone service from 9am until 5 pm, (it is not an emergency service – please dial 112 for emergencies). The telephone number is 634 31 52 89.

Dave Fisher
Press Officer
Age Concern Costa de la Luz Sur

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